Arise & Build is a place for Missouri believers to gather for INSPIRATION, EDUCATION & ACTIVATION for the purpose of stewarding freedom across the state & building a resilient community. You'll be encouraged with the Word and equipped with practical tools to make a difference.

Latest Episodes

The Truth Revealed on the Senate Floor

Be sure to check out the vote sheets & the video of the senate floor on the blog at

Filibuster To The End

Be sure to subscribe & check out the blog at!

Rise Above & Keep Fighting

Be sure to check out the blog at!

Deep Dive into SB 727

Check out more details on the blog at downloadable flyer you can share is there along with links to the bill, and a letter from a Missouri attorn...

Goliath's Sons, Elections & Education

Check out the website & the blog for more info!  JodiGrace.comRegister to vote on the Secretary of State website & share the link with your friends and family.  It's e...

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